6 October 2010

A perfect combination...

...is definitely bouldering hard and having fun with friends at the same time. And that's what the last weekend was all about. Finally, we had no rain. It was about time! The sun came out and we hit the blocs.

On Saturday we had a nice session on Vitovlje, the local spot near Ajdovščina, where we were just having fun bouldering and saved some skin for the next day when we visited Maltatal. The conditions weren't perfect but I had some progress working on my projects Air direct and Petting with an alligator. I'm pretty psyched for it so I hope the following weekend will give us some crispy weather.

I need to buy my own camera one day :) Suzana, thanks for the pictures!!!

Playing around on Vitovlje with friends
(photo: Suzana Uršič)

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